Sleep Disorders & Insomnia
If you are thinking that the caption has been written for you, believe me, you are not the only one. Researches confirm that 1 out of every 4 individuals is suffering from some of the other sleep disorders, Insomnia or Stress issues Reasons can be attached to busy schedules, unhealthy lifestyles, external pressures or anything else but the result remains the same: Depletion in Individuals’ Quality of living or ‘Happiness Quotient’ If you are facing any of the following problems, its time to check your sleep quality Fatigue Inability to focus or concentrate Poor memory Mood disturbance Depression Disturbing Dreams Daytime sleepiness Low motivation or energy Increased errors or accidents While sleep is a God gifted tool resulting in relaxation, sometimes relaxation itself becomes the requirement for it. Confused? This is how it goes when we hit the bed at sleep time, our Brian starts secreting sleep hormones, which takes us to the state of Deep Sleep. ...